Author Guidelines

General Information 
You are also advised to read About this journal, which includes other relevant information. All submitted manuscripts should contain original research not previously published and not under consideration for publication elsewhere. All authors have read and agreed to the manuscript content, and that any experimental research that is reported in the manuscript has been performed with the approval of an appropriate ethics committee. Manuscripts may be rejected if the editorial office considers that the research has not been carried out within an ethical framework. Papers must be written in Indonesian or English and manuscripts may be submitted for consideration as full articles, short reports or reviews. Authors are urged to keep the length of regular papers to ten printed pages or fewer. Short Communication can be no longer than five printed pages, including all spaces, references, figures, and tables. Manuscripts must be submitted by one of the authors of the manuscript, and should not be submitted by anyone on their behalf. The submitting author takes responsibility for the article during submission and peer review.

Preparing Manuscript Text 
File formats (Format file) Format the manuscript similar to a published paper and file formats should be in Microsoft Word or Rich Text format (RTF). Users of other word processing packages should save or convert their files to RTF before uploading. The text should be single-spaced with 2.5 cm margins on the left and right sides in A4 size. The "Abstract" through "Discussion" sections should be in double-column format. Title and running title sections, as well as references, footnotes, figure legends and tables, should remain in single-column format. Use 11-point Times New Roman font, and select a size and bolding to mimic the appearance shown above for the title section. Prepare figures at publication-quality resolution, using only applications capable of generating high-resolution TIFF or JPG files.

Manuscripts for Research Articles Submitted to Journal of Biology Science and Education (JBSE) should be divided into the following sections:

Title Page
The title should be short and to the point, which should include an accurate, clear and concise description of the reported work, avoiding abbreviations. The surname and initials of each author should be followed by his or her department, institution, city with postal code and country. The corresponding author should also be indicated.
The abstract of the manuscript should not exceed 350 words, abide strictly by this limitation of length. The abstract should comprehensively but succinctly describe the contents of the paper to the reader, and abbreviations and reference citations should be avoided.
The background section should be written from the standpoint of researchers without specialist knowledge in that area and must clearly state - and, if helpful, illustrate - the background to the research and its aims. The section should end with a very brief statement of what is being reported in the article.
This should be divided into subsections if several methods are described. 
Results and Discussion 
The Results and Discussion may be combined into a single section or presented separately. They may also be broken into subsections with short, informative headings.
This should state clearly the main findings of the research and give a clear explanation of their importance and relevance. Summary illustrations may be included.
These should be included at the end of the text and not in footnotes. Personal acknowledgments should precede those of institutions or agencies. 
The references should include only articles that are published or in press. The references are each numbered, ordered sequentially as they appear in the text. Citations in the reference list should contain all named authors, regardless of how many there are. Please use the following style for references (Citation Style for Mendeley, Zotero, and Endnote) available in this link :

The Article in a Journal: 
Pan GJ, Chang ZY, Schöoler HR, Pei DQ et al (2002) Stem cell pluripotency and transcription factor Oct4. Cell Res. 12:321-329. 
Chapter in a Book:
Hirsimaki P, Arstuka AU, Trump BF et al. Autophagocytosis. In: Trump BF, Arstuka AU, eds.(1983) Pathobiology of cell membranes. New York, Plenum Press. 201-236. doi: 10.1088/0143-0807/27/4/007. 
A Book:
Kryger M, Roth T, Dement W (1994) The Principles and Practice of Sleep Medicine. 2nd Edition. Philadelphia, WB Saunders. 
Online Publication:
Jelinic P, Stehle JC, Shaw P (2006) The testis-specific factor CTCFL cooperates with the protein methyltransferase PRMT7 in H19 imprinting control region methylation. PLoS Biol. 4: e355. doi: 10.1371/journal.pbio.0040355. 
Article within a Journal Supplement:
Orengo CA, Bray JE, Hubbard T et al (1999) Analysis and assessment of ab initio three-dimensional prediction, secondary structure, and contacts prediction. Proteins, 43(Suppl 3):149-170. 
In Press Article:
Kharitonov SA, Barnes PJ. Clinical aspects of exhaled nitric oxide. Eur Respir J. In Press. 
Published Abstract:
Zvaifler NJ, Burger JA, Marinova-Mutafchieva L, Taylor P, Maini RN (1999) Mesenchymal cells, stromal derived factor-1 and rheumatoid arthritis [abstract]. Arthritis Rheum. 42:s250. 
Article within Conference Proceedings:
Jones X (1996) Zeolites and synthetic mechanisms. In Proceedings of the First National Conference on Porous Sieves: 27-30 June 1996; Baltimore. Edited by Smith Y. Stoneham, Butterworth-Heinemann.16-27. 
The whole Issue of the Journal:
Ponder B, Johnston S, Chodosh L (Eds) (1998) Innovative oncology. In Breast Cancer Res. 10:1-72. 
Whole Conference Proceedings:
Smith Y (Ed) (1996) Proceedings of the First National Conference on Porous Sieves: 27-30 June 1996; Baltimore. Stoneham, Butterworth-Heinemann. 
Monograph or Book in a Series:
Hunninghake GW, Gadek JE (1994) The alveolar macrophage. In Cultured Human Cells and Tissues. Edited by Harris TJR. New York, Academic Press.54-56. [Stoner G (Series Editor): Methods and Perspectives in Cell Biology, vol 1.] 
Ph.D. Thesis:
Kohavi R (1995) Wrappers for performance enhancement and oblivious decision graphs. Ph.D. Thesis. Stanford University, Computer Science Department. 
Link / URL:
The Mouse Tumor Biology Database (2012) Abdominal cavity. Accessed: December 2012.

Preparing Illustrations and Figures
Figures and images should be labeled sequentially, numbered and cited in the text. Figures should be referred to specifically in the text of the paper but should be embedded within the text. The legends should be included from the main manuscript text file and being a part of the figure file (using Arabic numerals, maximum figure title is 15 words and detailed legend, up to 300 words). The use of three-dimensional histograms is strongly discouraged when the addition of the third dimension gives no extra information. The following file formats can be accepted: 
1. PDF (also especially suitable for diagrams) 
2. PNG (preferred format for photos or images) 
3. Microsoft Word (figures must be a single page) 
4. PowerPoint (figures must be a single page) 
5. TIFF 
6. JPEG 

Preparing Tables 
These should be should be numbered in sequence using Arabic numerals (i.e. Table 1, 2, 3 etc.). Tables should also have a title that summarizes the whole table, maximum 15 words. Table should be embedded into the text file but in portrait format (note that tables on a landscape page must be reformatted onto a portrait page or submitted as additional files).